The trials network brings together a diverse group of experts including, trial managers, clinical research associates, data managers, epidemiologists, statisticians and practitioners. The aim of the network is to share experience to strengthen capacity in the design and delivery of randomised controlled trials run by LSHTM and its partners.
We organise seminars and events, share information with our members and connect experts across LSHTM and our research partner institutions.
LSHTM staff and collaborators from our research partner institutions are welcome to join the trials network. If you would like to join our community, contact us at
The trials network is a collaborative forum that fosters the sharing of knowledge, expertise and best practice in randomised controlled trials. The network builds skills across LSHTM and raises internal and external awareness of the excellent quality, health and equity impacts of randomised controlled trials conducted by LSHTM and its partners.
The network aims to strengthen capacity in the design and delivery of trials through:
- generating and sharing expertise and innovation
- channelling available tools and resources to support colleagues working on trials
- strengthening equitable partnerships within the UK and globally
- promoting trial efficiency and sustainability.
Who we work with
The network makes connections to specialist groups across LSHTM, including:
- Clinical Trials Unit. Based in London, the Clinical Trials Unit is accredited by the UK Clinical Research Collaboration and conducts high-quality, high-impact trials in the UK and internationally.
- MRC Unit The Gambia Clinical Trials Unit. Designs and delivers clinical trials in The Gambia and West Africa region and offers independent trials monitoring.
- MRC Uganda Clinical Studies Support Section. The Section supports a portfolio of clinical trials in Uganda and regionally.
- International Statistics and Epidemiology Group. The group has a long history of researching the epidemiology and control of public health problems in low- and middle-income countries, with a strong emphasis on intervention research including randomised controlled trials.
- Centre for Evaluation – the Quantifying Impact workstream has themes on cluster randomised trials, stepped wedge trials, non-randomised and quasi-experimental trials and pragmatic trials.
- Centre for Data and Statistical Science for Health – the Statistical Methodology theme is relevant to trial design and analysis as it aims to develop and evaluate state-of-the art statistical techniques.
For LSHTM staff and research partners seeking advice in any aspect of planning, design, implementation or analysis of a trial, please contact one of the above groups, or email us at and we will connect you with an appropriate expert.
Trials Network steering committee
- Andrew Abaasa, Associate Professor
- Armel Zemsi, Head of MRC Unit The Gambia CTU
- Cari Free, Clinical Trials Unit Co-Director
- Charles Opondo, Clinical Trials Unit Co-Director
- Chris Bonell, Professor of Public Health & Sociology
- Elizabeth Allen, Professor of Medical Statistics
- Geofrey Kimbugwe, Head of Research Governance, MRC Uganda Research Unit
- Helen Weiss, Professor of Epidemiology
- Luke Vale, Professor of Health Economics
- Michael Marks, Clinical Associate Professor
- Rashida Ferrand, Clinical Professor
- Richard Hayes, Professor of Epidemiology & International Health
- Shirine Voller, Clinical Trials Unit Director of Operations
Trials Network Managers
- Lobga Galega, Trials Network Manager, MRC Unit The Gambia
- Joyce Nakitende, Trials Network Manager and Secretary to the Trials Network Steering Committee
Search our database of LSHTM interventional studies.
Members of the trial network have been involved in the design, implementation and delivery of trials covering diverse trial designs and disease areas. Find out more about some of the trials our members have worked on.
- Infectious diseases
LSHTM has a strong track record of conducting large-scale trials on the control of infectious diseases especially in low- and middle-income settings in collaboration with long-standing partners in West, East and Southern Africa. Many of these trials have resulted in major changes to national, regional and international policy. Tuberculosis (TB), malaria, HIV, vaccine preventable diseases and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) have been particular areas of focus. See selected highlights from a subset of this substantial body of work.
Our work in the field of HIV has spanned all aspects of the care cascade from primary prevention through to management of complications of advanced HIV. LSHTM led the ground-breaking PopART study on community-wide implementation of HIV testing and anti-retroviral therapy in Zambia and South Africa. This trial provided crucial evidence underpinning the adoption of the universal testing and treatment strategy which now plays a key role in achieving the WHO 95-95-95 targets for HIV control. Investigators at LSHTM also co-ordinated the AMBITION study, the world’s largest trial of treatment for cryptococcal meningitis, paving the way for new therapies to be adopted worldwide for the treatment of this important HIV-associated complication.
LSHTM's TB studies are wide-ranging, in particular in the context of HIV, including on preventative therapy, contact tracing, treatment and diagnostic strategies. The STAMP trial conducted in Malawi and South Africa was the first trial to demonstrate reduction in mortality from HIV-associated TB due to application of a diagnostic test and has had a major impact on the adoption of urine-based screening tests for TB.
Neglected Tropical Diseases
LSHTM has run key trials on the control and elimination of NTDs. Amongst the most pivotal were a series of trials evaluating novel treatments for the elimination of trachoma, the commonest infectious cause of blindness worldwide. Much of this work was conducted in collaboration with the MRC Unit The Gambia, the Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology and the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health. These studies now underpin the SAFE WHO strategy for trachoma elimination. Currently LSHTM is leading a large study, Stronger-SAFE, which is aiming to strengthen current control efforts in order to help achieve elimination of trachoma by 2030.
LSHTM has played a significant role in trials of a range of strategies to control malaria. These studies have provided much of the global evidence underpinning key tools such as bed-nets, chemoprevention, vaccines and combination strategies. Recent LSHTM led studies demonstrated that combining malaria vaccines with chemoprophylaxis is a particularly effective tool for reducing mortality related to malaria.
LSHTM has helped deliver critical studies on a wide range of vaccines and demonstrated the effectiveness of a new generation of conjugate vaccines. This work has underpinned their adoption by WHO. For example, LSHTM has played a leading role in research on the pneumoccocal vaccine in East and West Africa for almost two decades. Similarly, studies run by LSHTM have provided critical evidence on the effectiveness and optimal dosing schedule for controlling human papillomavirus (HPV) which is the commonest cause of cervical cancer.
- Non-communicable diseases
LSHTM has a strong portfolio of trials in non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Cardiovascular disease
The Clinical Trials Unit cardiovascular team specialises in the design, conduct and analysis of multicentre clinical trials.
Alcohol reduction
LSHTM's work is centred around testing low-intensity and contextually relevant interventions aimed at improving access to care for individuals with alcohol use disorders. By focusing on interventions that are adapted to the specific context, the research aims to address the challenge of poor access to care for individuals dealing with alcohol-related issues. This approach aligns with the broader goal of making psychological treatments more widely available, particularly in routine health-care settings. The emphasis on context-specific interventions is a recognition of the importance of tailoring strategies to the unique circumstances and needs of the population. The work contributes to the ongoing efforts to bridge the treatment gap for alcohol use disorders, ultimately seeking to enhance the overall accessibility and effectiveness of interventions for individuals with harmful drinking behaviours.
Eye health
The International Centre for Eye Health has been involved with a diverse set of clinical trials for eye health. These have included:
- mHealth solutions to identify adults and schoolchildren with eye problems and to connect them to services in Kenya
- surgical interventions such as strengthening training of eye doctors to carry out cataract surgery
- laser therapy for glaucoma in Nigeria and Tanzania
- trials for the diagnosis of diabetic eye disease in Tanzania using artificial intelligence.
- Educational, social and behavioural interventions
Trials can be used to assess not only pharmacological or other bio-medical interventions but also educational, social and behavioural interventions. There is a long history of evaluating such interventions using randomised trials, for example in the fields of education and social work.
Complex interventions
Complex interventions involve multiple activities that interact not only with each other but also with the context in which they are delivered. Complex interventions may be used in public health to prevent diseases or promote positive health or wellbeing. They may also be used in health services or social care to educate or change the social practices or behaviours of patients, clients, carers or clinical professionals.
For example, the Learning Together intervention to prevent bullying involved the students and staff of English secondary schools working together to plan and deliver various activities to prevent or respond to bullying. The way in which the intervention was implemented and the precise mechanisms through which this prevented bullying varied between different sorts of school, illustrating an interaction with context.
The complexity in the Learning Together intervention is probably true of many public health, health services and social care interventions involving social interactions. Even where interventions involve administering a medicine or undertaking a clinical procedure, they will tend to involve social interactions and so in this sense are complex. If interventions are complex, it is important that trials do more than just evaluate overall effectiveness.
Trials of complex interventions often include process evaluations to examine intervention delivery and mechanisms of action, and how these vary between different sites and populations. Because complex interventions are rooted in social interactions, it is likely that qualitative research (interviews or observations) will be a necessary part of process evaluations to understand these interactions. It is important that trials evaluate educational, social and behavioural interventions both to ensure effective interventions are scaled up appropriately and that harmful interventions are stopped.
- Disabilities
The Programme for Evidence to Inform Disability Action (PENDA) incorporates much of LSHTM’s research on disability, including through the conduct of impact evaluations of interventions, primarily using randomised controlled trials (RCTs).
PENDA is a consortium led by the International Centre for Evidence in Disability and funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Part of the PENDA project is conducting impact evaluations (primarily RCTs) of interventions designed to improve the well-being of people with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries. The interventions assessed include programmes focused on livelihood development, access to health and addressing violence and discrimination.
PENDA trials include:
- A non-randomised control trial of a “Cash-Plus” programme in the Xiengkhouang Province of Laos. The programme involves a regular cash transfer, family support delivered to caregivers to improve their skills and understanding of disability and provision of assistive devices for children with disabilities. The evaluation will assess the impact of the programme on child and caregiver well-being and household poverty. The follow-up period is two years.
- A cluster RCT of the Paediatric Development Clinic/Baby Ubuntu programme implemented by Partners in Health in Rwanda. The Paediatric Development Clinic provides early care for young children at risk of developmental disability and monitors development and growth, whilst providing support to caregivers. Baby Ubuntu is a structured programme for children with a developmental disability and their caregivers, provided over 11 sessions by a health professional and trained caregiver. The study will adopt a cluster randomised controlled design across three districts of Rwanda, with a 12-month follow-up period. Key outcomes include the participation of children in family and community life, caregiver knowledge and family quality of life.
- A cluster RCT of an inclusive sexual and reproductive health programme that was developed to increase access to modern contraceptive methods and reduce unmet need for family planning for women of reproductive age with disabilities in Kaduna city, Nigeria. The trial has a 12-month follow-up and the primary outcome measure is access to family planning.
- Nutrition
The Nutrition Group has expertise in designing and conducting clinical trials to generate evidence for improved nutrition outcomes. Topics span fundamental nutrition metabolism, severe malnutrition treatment programme design, and the design and evaluation of complex multisectoral interventions. The group works primarily in resource-poor contexts, with a range of partners including universities, government departments, NGOs and multilateral organisations.
Micronutrient supplementation and metabolism
Several trials in the Nutrition Group have focused on micronutrient supplementation and health outcomes. The Nutrition & Planetary Health team based at the MRC Unit The Gambia conducts micronutrient trials in mothers and babies with a major focus on preventing iron deficiency and anaemia. The ENID and INDiGO trials test the individual and additive effects of multiple micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy and infancy. The Vitality trial has tested whether supplementation with vitamin D and calcium optimises musculoskeletal health among peripubertal children with HIV in Zimbabwe and Zambia. Comprehensive Anaemia Programme and Personalised Therapies (CAPPT) was a cluster-randomised controlled trial testing home visiting, iron supplementation, participatory learning and action groups, plus routine antenatal care on haemoglobin among pregnant women in southern Nepal.
Treatment of severe malnutrition
Members of the Nutrition Group are lead investigators on trials which aim to improve the management of severe malnutrition in infants and children. For example, the team is working with Jimma University Ethiopia, Goal Ethiopia and the Emergency Nutrition Network on a large cluster- randomised trial exploring a new care pathway to improve the management of small and nutritionally at-risk infants aged under 6 months.
Food and agriculture interventions
The Nutrition Group has run several trials to generate evidence on food and agriculture-led interventions to improve nutrition and health. The Action Against Stunting Hub is conducting two trials on the impacts of an egg intervention on pregnancy outcomes in Indonesia and on infant growth, development and micronutrient status in India. The cluster-randomised Upscaling Participation and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (UPAVAN) trial demonstrated that a set of nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions was effective at improving child and maternal diet diversity in rural India. The Addressing Hidden Hunger with Agronomy (AHHA) trial demonstrated that consumption of maize flour, biofortified with selenium fertiliser, was effective at correcting selenium deficiency among women and children in a rural community setting in Malawi.
- Maternal, newborn and child health
LSHTM is involved in a wide range of trials in maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH), often involving multi-disciplinary teams and contributing to complex interventions.
Maternal health
The WOMAN trial showed that early administration of tranexamic acid reduces death from bleeding in trauma and postpartum haemorrhage. Advocacy on the importance of tranexamic acid for treatment of postpartum haemorrhage and further research through WOMAN-2 continue to promote the role of tranexamic acid in addressing global maternal mortality.
Newborn health
Neonatal trials include the Operationalising Kangaroo Mother Care Before Stabilisation Amongst Low Birth Weight Neonates in Africa (OMWaNA) trial of early kangaroo mother care for hospitalised neonates weighing less than 2000 g in The Gambia; and the Pre-delivery Administration of Azithromycin to Prevent Neonatal Sepsis & Death (PregANZI-2) trial of azithromycin during labour to reduce neonatal deaths in Burkina Faso and The Gambia.
Child health
LSHTM has extensive experience in researching new treatments for childhood infections including neglected tropical diseases such as schistosomiasis. This includes the ‘Macrolides Oraux pour Réduire les Décès avec un Oeil sur la Résistance’ (MORDOR) trial of mass administration of azithromycin to young children in Malawi and the Praziquantel in Preschool Children (PIP) trial, a randomised controlled trial aiming to find the right dose of the only available drug to treat schistosomiasis in preschool children in Uganda and the Philippines. Results of the PIP trial will inform WHO policies on schistosomiasis control.
LSHTM has led the development and evaluation of tools for preventing major childhood infections including vaccines, insecticide-treated nets and drugs for prophylaxis. The Vaccine Centre and the Malaria Centre at LSHTM act as the focal areas for research on vaccines and malaria.
Examples include large trials of new generation pyrethroid-piperonyl butoxide nets to prevent malaria in Tanzania, South Africa and Uganda; vaccine trials such as the Pneumovac trials in The Gambia; and cluster randomised controlled trials of seasonal malaria chemoprophylaxis in West Africa.
The Child Health Intervention for Developmental Outcomes (CHIDO) trial in Zimbabwe explored early childhood development, parenting, economic resilience, retention in HIV care, and care outcomes among HIV-exposed and infected infants aged 0-2 years.
LSHTM has numerous projects in the area of early child development. The Sustainable Program Incorporating Nutrition and Games (SPRING) trial is a recently completed seven-year research programme funded by the Wellcome Trust that brought together researchers from the UK, India and Pakistan. Every Newborn – Simplified Measurement Integrating Longitudinal Neurodevelopment & Growth (EN–SMILING) extends other EN–BIRTH research to include metrics for child development and promotes early identification of adverse developmental outcomes. Building on this, Every Newborn – Reach up Early Education intervention for All Children (EN–REACH) is a randomised trial of 150 clusters in three countries evaluating a preschool readiness package.
- Sexual and reproductive health
Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) is a long-standing focus area for LSHTM with trials of multi-faceted approaches and covering different areas of SRH and in different settings, including health facilities, schools and other community-based settings in the UK and internationally.
A major area is sexual health promotion: Examples include a whole-school social marketing intervention to promote sexual health among secondary school students (the Positive Choices Trial) and the use of mhealth technologies such as text messages to promote safer sex, provide support and information to prevent unplanned pregnancies in the UK (safetxt), and a trial to promote uptake and continuation of contraception use among women in Bangladesh. Seminal trials are focusing on menstrual health, a hugely neglected issue. The MENISCUS trial is evaluating the impact of a multi-component menstrual health intervention in Ugandan secondary schools on girls’ education, health and wellbeing.
HIV prevention
LSHTM has a well-established track-record of highly impactful work on HIV prevention with trials of biomedical, social and structural interventions. Examples of ongoing trials include:
- A trial evaluating demand for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREP) in Uganda and South Africa and an HIV prophylactic vaccine trial in Uganda
- A trial of differentiated prevention and care to reduce the risk of HIV acquisition and transmission among female sex workers as part of the AMETHIST consortium in Zimbabwe.
Sexually transmitted infections
LSHTM is a world-leader in research on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and is a WHO collaborating Centre for STIs. The STI Research Interest Group at LSHTM promotes and disseminates research, facilitates cross-disciplinary and cross-faculty research work on STIs and HIV and facilitates internal and external collaborations. LSHTM has been involved in policy-changing studies of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
Major trials include:
- a cluster randomised controlled trial investigating the impact of point-of-care testing and treatment of STIs in antenatal care on birth outcomes in Papua New Guinea
- the IMPROVE trial focusing on preventive therapy for malaria combined with azithromycin for prevention of STIs
- a trial in Zambia is investigating self-sampling for schistosomiasis as well as other genital tract infections
- the STICH trial investigating the impact of community-based screening for STIs among youth on population-level prevalence. The STICH trial is embedded in a larger trial (CHIEDZA) which is investigating the provision of a comprehensive package of SRH services with integrated HIV services.
The fifth seminar in the Practical Issues in Trials seminar series was held on Tuesday 3 December 2024.
Find out more about Participant recruitment and follow-up.
Watch a recording of the seminar.
The MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit hosted the second LSHTM Trials Day in Entebbe, Uganda on 4 November 2024. The one-day hybrid event brought together researchers from Africa and the United Kingdom to learn from global experiences in trials and reinforce a global community of good practice in trials conduct.
Read more about the Trials Day.
Watch the recording of the event.
The fourth seminar in the Practical Issues in Trials seminar series was held on Tuesday 3 September 2024.
Find out more about Data management in clinical trials.
Watch a recording of the seminar.
The third seminar in the Practical Issues in Trials seminar series was held on Tuesday 4 June 2024.
Find out more about Practical issues in trials: Running a trial part 1 - protocol compliance, governance and monitoring.
Watch a recording of the seminar.
Over 110 participants attended the second seminar in the Practical Issues in Trials seminar series.
Find out about Starting a trial and logistics .
Watch a recording of the seminar.
The first in a series of seminars on Practical Issues in Trials took place on Tuesday 6 February 2024, attended by over 130 participants.
Find out more about PPIE and community involvement.
Watch a recording of the seminar.
The Directors of the London-based LSHTM Clinical Trials Unit (CTU) were hosted by colleagues at MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Unit from 6-9 February 2024. The purpose of the visit was to strengthen collaboration on randomized controlled trials. Dr. Eugene Ruzagira, Senior Scientist, and Geofrey Kimbugwe, Head of Research Governance, organised an extensive programme, including visits to long-standing research sites in Kyamulibwa and Masaka and a tour of the Entebbe hospital, labs, biobank and clinical research facility. During their visit, Prof. Cari Free, Dr. Charles Opondo and Dr. Shirine Voller from the London CTU met staff and students working on a range of clinical trials and discussed challenges facing each unit and opportunities to work together.
Ideas which will be progressed include: running a second LSHTM Trials Day in November 2024 in Entebbe and online, linking up trial managers and data managers for reciprocal review of trial documentation and exchange of experience, and collaborating on grant applications for capacity strengthening in trials. During the week, the group, together with CTU colleagues in The Gambia, also hosted the first in a series of seminars on Practical Issues in Trials, with over 130 participants dialling in. The second seminar in the series is on 16 April.
The MRC/UVRI & LSHTM Uganda Research Unit is keen to collaborate with LSHTM scientists and external partners on new clinical trials, leveraging their extensive clinical and laboratory facilities and experience in infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and social science. The Kyamulibwa Population Cohort, for example, has been running since the late 1980s and comprises 25,000 individuals, while Masaka and Entebbe - including the new Clinical Research Facility - each offer excellent facilities and capacity.
The Trials Network is running a series of six seminars through 2024 on Practical Issues in Clinical Trials. The seminars are open to all and will be run as online webinars.
The seminar series will feature speakers from across LSHTM and our research partners. Each seminar will include a brief overview of current practice, theory and evidence, followed by worked examples from different presenters.
- 6 February 2024: Practical Issues in Clinical Trials seminar 1: PPIE and Community Involvement
- 16 April 2024 : Starting a trial/logistics
- 4 June 2024 : Running a trial - Part 1: Protocol compliance, monitoring
- 3 September 2024: Running a trial - Part 2: Recruitment and follow up
- 5 November 2024: Running a trial - Part 3: Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) options
- 28 January 2025: Closing down a trial and dissemination: Publication, including PPI in dissemination, media
The inaugural LSHTM Trials Day took place successfully on 6 November 2023 with 120 people attending the event in person and online. The event was very productive enabling participants to meet other trialists, share ideas and benefit from learning about the range of randomised controlled trials across LSHTM.
There was a packed agenda covering many aspects of trials, including high impact trials portfolios and current trials in a range of areas: infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, social and behavioural studies and trials methodology. Representatives from the MRC Unit The Gambia and MRC LSHTM Uganda Research Unit shared their experience of practical issues in running trials, LSHTM’s new professor of health economics, Luke Vale, discussed when and how to incorporate health economics into trial design and delivery, and Professor Andrew Farmer from the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme and Dr Caroline Harris from the MRC discussed the current and future funding landscape for trials.
Find out about the Trials Network research outputs and see some of the presentations from the day:
High impact trials:
- Vaccine trials, Deborah Watson-Jones (pdf)
- Social and behavioural trials, Karen Devries (pdf)
- Tranexamic acid trials, Eni Balogun (pdf)
- Cardiovascular trials: 35 years and counting, Richard Evans (pdf)
Infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, trials methodology:
- PvSTATEM: New tools for the control and elimination of P. vivax malaria Isabel Byrne
- Non-inferiority margins in pulmonary TB treatment trials: Have we found a 4-month regimen? (pdf) Daniel Grint
- Recruitment and retention of children in a Malaria Vaccine trial in Uganda Gloria Lubega
- Participant recruitment in the IMPALA study Ubaldo Bahemuka
- Assessing the efficacy of tuberculosis regimens in the presence of treatment non-adherence (pdf) Matt Dodd
- Low participant retention in an agriculture-nutrition trial: experiences from the AHHA Ethiopia trial Edward Joy
Practical issues in trials:
- Practical Strategies For Conducting Clinical Trials in The Gambia (pdf) Ahmed Futa
- Bringing Science and Communities Together (pdf) Vincent Basajja
Social and behavioural, other:
- Bioethical issues in clinical trials for life-threatening diseases (pdf) David Lawrence
- Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (UPAVAN) trial Emily Fivian
- Assessing the impact of participants’ psychosocial factors on loss to follow up in trials Hellen Akurut
- Formative research to prepare for the CHAMPION2 cluster randomised trial Siddharudha Shivalli
- The Pediatric Development Clinic/Baby Ubuntu Programme Nathaniel Scherer
- Building capacity for leading complex clinical trials in Africa through partnership: The PrEPVacc Consortium (pdf) Bernadette Nayiga
The Eleventh European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Forum is taking place in Paris from 7-10 November 2023. Several members of the Trials Network are attending and delivering presentations including:
- Parallel session: Capacity strengthening
‘Creating a whole that is more than the sum of its parts: an emerging collaboration between clinical trial units in the UK, West and East Africa’
Armel Zemsi, Head of MRC Unit The Gambia CTU
The EDCTP Forum is a biennial event providing a international platform to share research with representatives from across the scientific community.
See the programme for more details.
The AMBITION-cm study has won the 2023 European AIDS Clinical Society's European Hector Research Award in HIV for the best clinical and/or epidemiological paper in HIV research. The award was presented for the team's paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine:
AMBITION-cm was the world’s largest clinical trial of treatment for HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis. The phase 3 randomised, controlled, noninferiority trial was conducted in five African countries and recruited over 800 participants. The trial showed that a single, high-dose of liposomal amphotericin B was as good as the WHO recommended standard of treatment of a week-long course of amphotericin B deoxycholate and flucytosine. The results led to WHO updating its guidelines to recommend this simpler and safer treatment.