

The Centre for Data and Statistical Science for Health acts as a network for staff and students across LSHTM who do research in data and statistical science. We aim to develop new approaches by fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and to embed methodological rigour into our work.

We leverage LSHTM’s unique position which combines a global reach, with data science strengths in London and at the MRC units in Uganda and The Gambia, expertise in statistical and data methodology and use of a huge range of data sources to address the major health challenges, in the UK and globally.

We bring together molecular and cellular biologists, experts in imaging and diagnostics, statisticians, epidemiologists, data scientists, health economists, trialists, clinicians, data curators, anthropologists and other social scientists, software engineers, modellers and policy analysts, who share common interests in developing data and statistical science in ways that can improve health worldwide.

Meet our members

The Centre builds on the former Centre for Statistical Methodology (CSM), which was founded in 2012 and achieved international recognition as a centre for excellence in the subject. We’d like to thank the Co-Director of CSM, Richard Grieve, for his role in the development of the new Centre.


Deputy Co-Directors

Steering Committee

Theme and challenge leads

Data research
Statistical methodology
Routine data
Molecular and imaging data
  • Segun Fatumo, Associate Professor of Genetic Epidemiology & Bioinformatics
  • Ozan Gundogdu, Associate Professor in Molecular Microbiology & Bioinformatics
  • Alexandra Lewin, Associate Professor in Biostatistics
Social science data
Understanding the major determinants of health
Developing and evaluating diagnostics and interventions
Informing health policies that improve population health and reduce inequities
Improving environmental and planetary health