

Around the world

MARCH is one of the largest groups of researcher’s worldwide working throughout the lifecycle of women and children, with over 550 people working across multiple disciplines. Many studies involve a range of fields including epidemiology, economics, health systems, and the social sciences.

MARCH researchers lead on over 145 studies on every continent, with the highest density in Africa, where the burden is also highest. Many studies are multi-country and more than 10 research efforts are intentionally global in reach. Strength comes from juxtaposing high income and low and middle-income country research.

Infographic mapping burden around the world for women, children and adolescents
Infographic mapping burden around the world for women, children and adolescents
Infographic mapping research around the world
Infographic mapping research around the world

Through the life course

MARCH research at LSHTM aims to ensure that women, adolescents and children thrive as well as survive. We have strong links and work in synergy with many other centres on conditions that run through the life-cycle such as infections, nutrition, chronic conditions, mental health, and violence.

Education, humanitarian emergencies, violence and climate change all impact health through the lifecycle as well, so MARCH researchers are rapidly expanding to look at health within the context of other sectors, particularly for child development and adolescent health.

Infographic showing research studies related to MARCH topics according to A, B and C themes
Infographic showing research studies related to MARCH topics according to A, B and C themes