Become a Health in Humanitarian Crises Centre member
Internal membership
Health in Humanitarian Crises Centre membership is open to all staff and research students at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) with an interest in health in humanitarian crises and conflict settings.
- LSHTM staff and research degree students
There is no formalised membership, meaning you can become an HHCC member by simply subscribing to our Centre’s internal mailing list.
There is no required time commitment associated with being a Centre member and attendance to all meetings and events is voluntary.
Once signed up, we encourage all members to include HHCC under “Centres” on their LSHTM staff profile pages and to tag our Centre when they post new crises-related publications and grants on Research Online.
The Crises Centre holds periodic internal meetings and social events for members (both online and in person when possible) to help people connect and brainstorm about any events and initiatives that members want to organise, which the Centre can support in various ways.
- LSHTM MSc students
LSHTM MSc students can join our internal mailing list specifically for students to stay up to date with relevant information and both in-person and online events.
External membership
- External mailing list
If you are external to LSHTM but are interested in finding out more about our work, you can keep up to date with all of Health in Humanitarian Crises-related activity by signing up to our mailing list. Recent editions of our newsletter can be found on our newsletters archive page.
For any questions regarding membership please email
LSHTM has a privacy notice for recipients of mailing list communications. If you are interested in knowing more, please consult our data protection pages.