This World Mosquito Day, we are taking a journey around the world to visit some of the experts involved in mosquito rearing, culture, and human-malaria transmission. Each year, 20th August is a global commemoration of the discovery in 1897 that female Anopheles mosquitoes transmit malaria between humans. Since then, World Mosquito Day presents us with an opportunity to raise awareness of the dangers of malaria-carrying mosquitoes and shine a spotlight on ongoing efforts in the fight against the world’s deadliest creature. Our four speakers will be followed by a Q&A session chaired by Dr Corine Ngufor.
Speakers and session titles
- Dr Maris Luisa Simoes, LSHTM - The human malaria sexual cycle at LSHTM
- Harouna Soumare, MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM - Insectary, the better you control it, the better you control vector and parasite interaction
- Dr Renaud Govoetchan, LSHTM/CREC Benin - Evaluating novel mosquito control products at the CREC-LSHTM GLP-certified Facility in Benin
- Njelembo Mbewe, LSHTM/Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre/National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania - Vector Control Product Evaluation: The Pioneering Role of PAMVERC in Moshi, Tanzania
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