Beyond control: from antibiotics crises to ‘eubiotic politics’ in the post-pharmaceutical era

We are increasingly losing antibiotic control – biochemically, due to antimicrobial resistance; socio-politically, due to broken supply chains and empty product pipelines. This growing awareness has sparked several movements to stave off the global antibiotic crisis and manage the anticipated fallout of an uncontrolled transition to a post-antibiotic era.
To these ends, new effective antibiotics are desperately needed; yet it is clear that the ‘social contract’ between pharmaceuticals, society and the state has become unapt to effectively confront this crisis. The current situation requires a political and theoretical reorientation and material-semiotic reformulation of the pharmaceutical contract to generate ‘eubiotic relations’ that lay new ground for viable and livable futures after modern antibiotic biopolitics.
Dr Christian Haddad, Dept. of Science & Technology Studies, University of Vienna, Austria
Dr Christian Haddad is a researcher at the Department for Science & Technology Studies at the University of Vienna and a visiting research fellow at the Center for Global Health Policy at the University of Sussex.
Haddad's main research interests are in biopolitics of pharmaceutical innovation. His doctoral research explored 'post-pharmaceutical health' as the primary value form of regenerative biomedicine. His current work focuses on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the concomitant 'global antibiotics crisis' as a keyhole to make sense of changing regimes of health, growth, and security deeply rooted in pharmaceuticals.
Twitter: @ChristianHddd