AMR Data Symposium
This full day event, co-hosted by the LSHTM Antimicrobial Resistance Centre & Centre for Data and Statistical Science for Health will bring together international global health experts involved in the generation, analysis, and use of quantitative antimicrobial resistance (AMR) data to inform decision-making.

The event aims to generate a shared understanding of available tools; to discuss challenges in data sharing across tools, sectors, and scales; and to identify opportunities for more effective ways to generate, share, and use quantitative AMR data in support of local, regional, and global AMR policy.
The day will consist of a mix of talks and panel discussions with Q&As, ending with a panel on new international targets for AMR, and the implications for AMR surveillance and research. Additionally, there will be engagement opportunities including networking sessions, discussions with peers, and interactive sessions. These will provide a platform for attendees to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and explore innovative solutions in AMR data analysis. A full programme will be shared soon.
This event is aimed at anyone working on AMR surveillance and quantitative AMR data analysis including policymakers, clinicians, academics, data experts and those developing tools as well as methods for analysing and collecting quantitative AMR and antibiotic usage data.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided for in-person attendees.
In-person attendance is strongly encouraged to be able to participate in the event fully, but a Zoom link will be available for international attendees and those who are unable to attend in-person. All attendees must register.
We have reserved space in the programme for attendees who are developing AMR data tools to present short (5-minute) talks. You can express your interest when registering for the event. Presenters will be selected to represent the diversity of researchers at all career stages. The deadline to submit your interest has now passed.
- 09:00 - 09:30: Registration and coffee
- 09:30 - 09:45: Welcome, overview of agenda & objectives from AMR Centre Co-Directors
- 09:45 - 10:45: Part I - AMR Data Tools: Short talks
Chair: Nick Furnham (DASH)
- WHONET (John Stelling, WHO Collaborating Centre for AMR Surveillance, USA)
AMASS (Cherry Lim, Oxford University, UK)
AMR R package (Dennis Souverein, Streeklab Haarlem, Netherlands)
Wellcome Strategy & SEDRIC (Janet Midega)
- ACORN (Paul Turner, MORU Tropical Health Network, Cambodia)
- SEDRI-LIMS (Janet Midega/Ben Amos, Wellcome Trust, UK)
- 10:45 - 11:15: Coffee/tea break
- 11:15 - 12:15: Part I - AMR Data Tools: Flash talks
Chair: Zoe Dyson (DASH)
- Lucien Swetschinski - Measuring Infectious Causes and Resistance Outcomes for Burden Estimation (MICROBE)
- Luc Samison- AMR Data Center in Madagascar and Burkina Faso
- Andrew Karlyn -Leveraging Antibiogram Data for Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring: The EHA Community Health Observatory (ECHO)
- Mauro Tobin - Sharing AMR data using Federated Networking
- John Farrow - Applied Open Source Platform Technologies for AMR Surveillance
- Leonid Chindelevitch CABBAGE: Comprehensive Assessment of Bacterial-Based AMR prediction from GEnotypes
- Makoto Saito - Infectious Diseases Data Observatory - Enabling equitable data reuse to fight infectious diseases
- Faithful Daniel - Addressing AMR Date Collection in Resource-Constrained Settings: The Stewards Club Tool
- Where are the tool gaps?
Where are the overlaps, and how do we ensure interoperability?
- 12:15 - 13:15: Lunch
- 13:15 - 14:30: Part II - AMR Data Sharing: Panel discussion: How do we share AMR data nationally & internationally?
Chair: Megan Carey (AMR)
- Kamini Walia (Indian Council of Medical Research, India; AMRSN)
- Alan Christoffels (South African National Bioinformatics Institute, South Africa; Africa CDC)
- Barney McManigal (Oxford University, UK; GRAM)
- Berit Muller-Pebody (UK Health Security Agency, UK)
- Gunnar Skov Simonsen (University Hospital of North Norway; UiT - The Arctic University of Norway)
- 14:30 - 15:00: Coffee/tea break
- 15:00 - 16:45: Part III - AMR Data for Policy: Panel discussion: AMR data to support global AMR policy
Independent Panel and the role of targets (Clare Chandler, LSHTM, UK)
Reflection on UNGA targets
- Targets (Marc Mendelson, Mike Sharland)
Chair: Clare Chandler
- Toby Leslie (Fleming Fund, UK)
- Arshnee Moodley (CGIAR AMR Hub, Kenya)
- Sabiha Essack (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
- Silvia Bertagnolio (WHO AMR Division, Geneva)
- Zoë Molyneux (Wellcome Trust, UK)
- Targets (Marc Mendelson, Mike Sharland)
- 16:45 - 17:00: Reflections and wrap-up