Prof Magdalena Harris
Prof of Inclusion Health (Sociology)
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
15-17 Tavistock Place
United Kingdom
Magdalena Harris is Professor of Inclusion Health Sociology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and holds an honorary Inclusion Health Consultant position at University College London Hospital NHS Trust. She works in partnership with community organisations, through qualitative methods, peer research & intervention science, to understand and address stigma and health inequity among inclusion health populations. She currently leads two NIHR-funded research projects aiming to improve service provision, health and social outcomes for people who use heroin and crack cocaine, respectively. In 2020 she received the Society for Study of Addiction Impact Prize "in recognition of her high-quality, innovative research and its positive, practical impact for people who inject drugs" and in 2022 was elected a Membership through Distinction of the Faculty of Public Health.
Some background about how she came to work in the harm reduction field can be found in this brief video:
Some background about how she came to work in the harm reduction field can be found in this brief video:
Department of Public Health, Environments and Society
Faculty of Public Health and Policy
Antimicrobial Resistance Centre
Magdalena is Module Co-Organiser, with Tim Rhodes, for the Qualitative Methodologies (1700) MSc Module. She leads the Introduction to Qualitative Interviewing and Qualitative Analysis workshops for the Transferable Skills Programme and is a guest lecturer for the LSHTM Sociology of Health Module, the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Module and for 4th year pharmacy students at the University of Bath.
Magdalena is Principal Investigator for two NIHR funded research projects: Improving Hospital Opiate Substitution Therapy (iHOST): implementation and assessment of an intervention to reduce late presentations, discharges against medical advice and repeat admissions among people who use opiates, and Safe Inhallation Pipe Provision (SIPP): A mixed method evaluation of an intervention to reduce health harms and enhance service engagement among people who use crack cocaine in England.
She has previously held an NIHR Post Doctoral Fellowship ('the Hepatitis C Treatment Journey') and an NIHR Career Development Fellowship: "Promoting skin & soft tissue infection care and preventing AA amyloidosis among people who inject drugs in the UK: A mixed methods study."
Her research interests include: the social relations of harm reduction; community participation and mobilisation; stigma and discrimination; embodiment; autoethnography and qualitative methodologies.
Here she talks about her work on the Staying Safe project:
She has previously held an NIHR Post Doctoral Fellowship ('the Hepatitis C Treatment Journey') and an NIHR Career Development Fellowship: "Promoting skin & soft tissue infection care and preventing AA amyloidosis among people who inject drugs in the UK: A mixed methods study."
Her research interests include: the social relations of harm reduction; community participation and mobilisation; stigma and discrimination; embodiment; autoethnography and qualitative methodologies.
Here she talks about her work on the Staying Safe project:
Research Area
Health inequalities
Substance use
Qualitative research
Disease and Health Conditions
Skin diseases
United Kingdom
Euro area
Selected Publications
Making sense of drug use and dependence-A scoping review of mass media interventions intended to reduce stigma towards people who use drugs.
The International journal on drug policy
Purging to Cleanse: A Qualitative Study of Ayahuasca Healing at a Drug Treatment Center in Peru.
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs
Co-located Heroin Assisted Treatment within primary care: A preliminary analysis of the implications for healthcare access, cost, and treatment delivery in the UK.
International journal on drug policy
Nitazenes-heralding a second wave for the UK drug-related death crisis?
The Lancet Public health
Navigating Chemical Toxicity in Coca Production in the Colombian Borderlands of Putumayo.
Medical anthropology