
Bloomsbury and East London Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) – History and Heritage Studies pathway


Pathway Leader: Esther Briethoff. Email:

Pathway Leader: Sarah Marks. Email: 

Team Member: Janet Weston. Email:

For a full list of team members and details of the pathway, please see History and Heritage Studies Pathway ESRC UBEL DTP web pages.

History and Heritage studies 

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine’s (LSHTM) research and training agenda is responsive to existing and emerging health priorities and yields major policy relevant research findings in the areas of social and environmental determinants of health and disease, health inequalities, the evaluation of public health interventions, the financing and performance of health systems, and global health and development. The Centre for History in Public Health [link:] is home to expertise across a range of topics including histories of global and national health systems and services, colonial medicine and public health, commercial determinants of health, mental health and its governance, drugs and addiction, and HIV and AIDS. LSHTM also houses an extensive and professionally managed archive [link:…] of material relating to tropical and infectious diseases and public health since 1899.


The only route available via this pathway is 1+3.  All 1+3 structures include an MSc or MRes degree programme with methods training to support doctoral studies, plus a dissertation designed to consolidate students’ learning and provide the opportunity to pilot a PhD project.  For more information on the different routes available, please see the Preliminary Application Guidance which can be found on the UBEL ESRC DTP website.


This is an open competition for ESRC studentships on any topic that falls within the remit of the pathway.  In order to progress through the preliminary and final selection process you will need to have contacted a relevant staff member at the School who would be willing to be your supervisor and support your application.

To make direct contact with prospective supervisors you can search for staff members and their interests via the School’s website.  The majority of social scientists (anthropologists, sociologists, historians, economists, etc) are based in the Faculty of Public Health and Policy.

Please contact the DTP representative if you have any queries – Simon Cohn (