The Stephen Lawn Memorial Lecture 2023
This annual lecture is organised in honour of the life and work of Stephen Lawn (pictured) with Professor Madhukar Pai who will be speaking on 'The Know-Do Gap in Tuberculosis Care'.

Steve was Professor of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine at LSHTM and an active member of the LSHTM TB Centre . He worked closely with the Desmond Tutu HIV Centre at the University of Cape Town (UCT), where he was based from 2005- 2012. Steve worked tirelessly to improve the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis among people living with HIV/AIDS. He authored over 250 publications and received many awards.
This year’s memorial lecture is titled The Know-Do Gap in Tuberculosis Care and will be delivered by Professor Madhukar Pai.
Poor quality care is killing people with TB and keeping the epidemic alive. Standardised (simulated) patient studies in 8 countries show widespread lack of quality, and a massive gap between what providers know and how they practise. Even where technical quality is good, health systems are failing on client-centeredness. The TB field must think beyond coverage and demand high quality care for all TB patients in all countries. If we are serious about ending TB, we must put quality on the agenda, in addition to expanding coverage of critical interventions.
- Professor Madhukar Pai
Prof Madhukar Pai MD, PhD, FCAHS is a Canada Research Chair in Epidemiology & Global Health at McGill University, Montreal. He is the Associate Director of the McGill International TB Centre.
Madhu Pai did his medical training and community medicine residency in Vellore, India. He completed his PhD in epidemiology at UC Berkeley, and a postdoctoral fellowship at the UCSF.
Madhu serves on the WHO Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for TB in the South-East Asia Region, and the WHO Advisory group on Tuberculosis Diagnostics and Laboratory. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of FIND, Geneva. He serves as the Chair of the Public-Private Mix (PPM) Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership. He serves on the editorial boards of Lancet Infectious Diseases, PLoS Medicine, and BMJ Global Health, among others. He is Editor-In-Chief of PLOS Global Public Health.
Madhu’s research is mainly focused on improving the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, especially in high-burden countries like India and South Africa. His research is supported by grant funding from the Gates Foundation, Grand Challenges Canada, and Canadian Institutes of Health Research. He has more than 350 publications. He is recipient of the Union Scientific Prize, Chanchlani Global Health Research Award, Haile T. Debas Prize, and David Johnston Faculty & Staff Award. He is a member of the Royal Society of Canada, and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.
The lecture will be held in person and broadcast.
This event is organized jointly by the LSHTM TB Centre and the Desmond Tutu Centre at UCT, in partnership with the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), and supported by The Lancet.