Creating a jazz band - developing a systems-based approach for effective research use
This seminar is part of the London Evidence Syntheses and Research Use Seminars series organised by the Centre for Evaluation at LSHTM and the EPPI-Centre at UCL.

When we consider the development of evidence-informed practice we often focus on individual actors – e.g. practitioners, policymakers – rather than the system as a whole. In this seminar, we will take a wider perspective to consider the overall systems in which evidence is produced, mobilised and used. Research use emerges as a myriad of interconnected ‘moving parts’ that need to function optimally and be aligned. Weakness in any area of the system, or interactions between different actors and activities across the system, can potentially impede research use. It is as strong as its weakest link. We will explore the implications for different sectors and how to build vibrant and lasting research use systems.
Jonathan Sharples, EEF, UCL
Jonathan is a Professorial Research Fellow at the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), seconded from UCL Social Research Institute. Jonathan works with schools and policymakers across the sector to promote evidence-informed practice, and spread knowledge of ‘what works’ in teaching and learning. He writes evidence-based guidance for schools and researches evidence use and mobilisation. Jonathan previously worked at The Institute for the Future of the Mind at the University of Oxford, where he was looking at how insights from brain-science research can support teachers’ practice and professional development.