Communicating and using systematic reviews - learning from other disciplines

Research shows that disseminating evidence alone does little to improve its use, and is likely to fail to address practical, cultural or institutional barriers to engagement. During the session, the speaker will build from other disciplines and discuss how different approaches may inform our future culture and practice of research synthesis.
The event will adopt an hybrid format to maximise access. LSHTM students and staff will have the opportunity to learn how to maximise the impact of their evidence synthesis work and what best practices can ensure the uptake and utilization of the knowledge generated.
This seminar is part of the London Evidence Syntheses and Research Use Seminars series organised by the Centre for Evaluation at LSHTM and the EPPI-Centre at UCL. Offered in a hybrid format, these seminars aim to encourage discussion and information-sharing on challenges and innovations in evidence syntheses methods and the study of evidence use. They take place every other month on a Wednesday between 12.30 and 13.45. They include 25-30 min presentations and plenty of time for discussion.
- Jonathan Breckon, Senior Visiting Lecturer, EPPI Centre; POST Fellow, UK Parliament. Jonathan is Director of Breckon Consulting Ltd. He is currently working on two projects that have informed this seminar: firstly, in the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology developing rapid review methods for select committees; and, secondly, for Campbell Collaboration UK and Ireland, on a series of seminars and podcasts on what works in communicating systematic reviews. Previously, he led the Alliance for Useful Evidence for 9 years, and is currently a Senior Visiting Lecturer at the EPPI Centre, Senior Associate for Transforming Evidence (based at LSHTM), and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.