
Mr Keith Tomlin

Assistant Professor

United Kingdom

Keith studied for a BSc at the University of East Anglia and MSc at King’s College London before starting his working life in 1990 as an administrator for the homelessness charity Crisis. He was the fourth member of staff to join, when the headquarters were a converted flat on London’s Whitechapel Road. In 1992, having lost a number of friends to AIDS, Keith became Information Manager at The Landmark, a charity dedicated to providing day-care, support and practical services to those living with HIV/AIDS in London. The early '90s was a heart-breaking period for anyone supporting those with HIV, but by 1997 the introduction of antiretroviral therapies (ART) began to change the landscape of treatment and survival. Many charitable HIV/AIDS organisations restructured as the need for their services declined and as health authorities redirected funding towards new treatments. Keith took voluntary redundancy from The Landmark but wanted to pursue a career in health-related research and so joined the LSHTM as a Data Manager in 1997. He has subsequently taken the School’s MSc in Epidemiology, and has combined both disciplines across a number of large research programmes.

Keith's main research interest remains the treatment and management of HIV infection. He has a longstanding research collaboration with the ALPHA Network (Analysis of Longitudinal Population HIV data on Africa) and has also worked with Project SIGMA (Socio-sexual Investigations of Gay Men and AIDS) and with the Integra Initiative, which evaluated the effect of integrating family planning and sexual health services in Kenya and Swaziland.

Keith fondly remembers his good friend the artist Nick Balaban, who died of AIDS related illnesses in 1994, and who is the reason for all of this.


Department of Population Health
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health

Selected Publications

Correction: Making Metadata Machine-Readable as the First Step to Providing Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable Population Health Data: Framework Development and Implementation Study.
AMADI, D; Kiwuwa-Muyingo, S; BHATTACHARJEE, T; Taylor, A; KIRAGGA, A; Ochola, M; Kanjala, C; Gregory, A; TOMLIN, K; Todd, J; Greenfield, J;
Online journal of public health informatics
Correction: Making Metadata Machine-Readable as the First Step to Providing Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable Population Health Data: Framework Development and Implementation Study (Preprint)
AMADI, D; Kiwuwa-Muyingo, S; BHATTACHARJEE, T; Taylor, A; Kiragga, A; Ochola, M; Kanjala, C; Gregory, A; TOMLIN, K; Todd, J; Greenfield, J;
JMIR Publications Inc.
Making Metadata Machine-Readable as the First Step to Providing Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable Population Health Data: Framework Development and Implementation Study.
AMADI, D; Kiwuwa-Muyingo, S; BHATTACHARJEE, T; Taylor, A; KIRAGGA, A; Ochola, M; Kanjala, C; Gregory, A; TOMLIN, K; Todd, J; Greenfield, J;
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics
Making Metadata Machine-Readable as the First Step to Providing Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable Population Health Data: Framework Development and Implementation Study (Preprint)
AMADI, D; Kiwuwa-Muyingo, S; BHATTACHARJEE, T; Taylor, A; Kiragga, A; Ochola, M; Kanjala, C; Gregory, A; TOMLIN, K; Todd, J; Greenfield, J; INSPIRE Network, IN S P I R E;
JMIR Publications Inc.
D7.2 Population health resource library
and training package
TODD, J; TOMLIN, K; BHATTACHARJEE, T; AMADI, D; Greenfield, J; Fils, D; Mailosi, D; Kanjala, C;
Protocol for an OpenSAFELY cohort study collecting patient-reported outcome measures using the TPP Airmid smartphone application and linked big data to quantify the health and economic costs of long COVID (OpenPROMPT).
HERRETT, E; TOMLIN, K; LIN, L-Y; TOMLINSON, LA; JIT, M; BRIGGS, A; MARKS, M; Sandmann, F; Parry, J; Bates, C; Morley, J; Bacon, S; Butler-Cole, B; MAHALINGASIVAM, V; Dennison, A; Smith, D; Gabriel, E; Mehrkar, A; GOLDACRE, B; SMEETH, L; EGGO, RM M;
BMJ Open
Association of impaired kidney function with mortality in rural Uganda: results of a general population cohort study.
Kalyesubula, R; SEKITOLEKO, I; TOMLIN, K; HANSEN, CH; Ssebunya, B; Makanga, R; Mbonye, MK; SEELEY, J; SMEETH, L; NEWTON, R; TOMLINSON, LA;
BMJ Open
Embedding Community-Based Newborn Care in the Ethiopian health system: lessons from a 4-year programme evaluation.
Coverage of antenatal, intrapartum, and newborn care in 104 districts of Ethiopia: A before and after study four years after the launch of the national Community-Based Newborn Care programme.
BERHANU, D; ALLEN, E; BEAUMONT, E; TOMLIN, K; Taddesse, N; Dinsa, G; Mekonnen, Y; Hailu, H; BALLIET, M; Lensink, N; SCHELLENBERG, J; Avan, BI;
PloS one
POS-331 Association of impaired kidney function with mortality in rural Uganda: results of a general population cohort study
Kalyesubula, R; SEKITOLEKO, I; TOMLIN, K; HANSEN, C; Ssebunya, B; Makanga, R; Hughes, P; Kwizera Mbonye, M; SEELEY, J; Liam, S; Robert, N; TOMLINSON, LA;
Kidney International Reports
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