
Dr Sedona Sweeney

Associate Professor

United Kingdom

Sedona Sweeney is a health economist with over a decade of experience in economic evaluation in low- and middle-income settings. She is co-Director for the LSHTM TB Centre, and lead for the economic evaluation theme in the Global Health Economics Centre.


Department of Global Health and Development
Faculty of Public Health and Policy


Centre for Evaluation
TB Centre
Global Health Economics Centre


Sedona is the Deputy Module Organizer for the Distance Learning module on the Economics of Global Health Policy. She also supervises MSc DL students.


Sedona's main research interest is in the economic impact of substantial long-term health shocks, both at the provider level and within the household. Her research to date has been focused on measurement and understanding of the costs of chronic illness – including HIV, TB, chronic non-communicable diseases, and HCV.

Sedona's current research projects include:

TB PRACTECAL: a phase II/III clinical research project to find short, tolerable and effective treatments for people with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB)
XACT-III: a pragmatic, multi-country, open-labelled, randomised controlled trial to evaluate a scalable active case finding intervention for TB using a point-of-care molecular tool
FEND-TB: a global research consortium supporting the evaluation of early-stage TB diagnostics & novel diagnostic strategies in the context of existing clinical algorithms in TB endemic countries
iHOST: an intervention that aims to improve hospital care for people who use opioids by removing barriers to opioid withdrawal management.
TB MAC: the TB Modelling and Analysis Consortium

Past involvement in research projects includes:
VALUE-TB: a collaboration between LSHTM, University of Cape Town, and WHO aiming to collect cost data to facilitate decision-making for TB in five countries (incl. Kenya, Ethiopia, Philippines, India, and Georgia)
the Global Health Cost Consortium: which aims to mitigate the TB and HIV epidemics by systematically improving the availability, quality, timing, relevance, interpretation, and use of cost information on HIV and tuberculosis (TB) programs and services
the Integra Initiative: an analysis of integrated HIV and sexual and reproductive health services in Kenya and Swaziland
the Health Systems Chronic Disease project: a project aiming to improve the health systems response to chronic disease in Uganda and Tanzania
a project assessing the impact and cost-effectiveness of needle/syringe provision on hepatitis C transmission among people who inject drugs in the UK
the MERGE project: evaluating a model of scaling-up in
Research Area
Health economics
Economic evaluation
Development studies
Social and structural determinants of health
Randomised controlled trials
Disease and Health Conditions
Chronic diseases
Sexually transmitted infections
United Kingdom
South Africa

Selected Publications

24-week, all-oral regimens for pulmonary rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in TB-PRACTECAL trial sites: an economic evaluation.
SWEENEY, S; Laurence, YV; Berry, C; Singh, MP; DODD, M; Fielding, K; Kazounis, E; Moodliar, R; Solodovnikova, V; Tigay, Z; Liverko, I; Parpieva, N; Butabekov, I; Usmanova, R; Rassool, M; Motta, I; Nyangweso, GM; Jolivet, P; Abdrasuliev, T; Moe, S; Aw, PS; Samieva, N; Nyang'wa, B-T;
The Lancet Global Health
Factors associated with tuberculosis treatment initiation among bacteriologically negative individuals evaluated for tuberculosis: An individual patient data meta-analysis.
Kim, S; Can, MH; Agizew, TB; Auld, AF; Balcells, ME; Bjerrum, S; Dheda, K; Dorman, SE; Esmail, A; FIELDING, K; Garcia-Basteiro, AL; Hanrahan, CF; Kebede, W; Kohli, M; Luetkemeyer, AF; Mita, C; Reeve, BW P; Silva, DR; SWEENEY, S; Theron, G; Trajman, A; Vassall, A; Warren, JL; Yotebieng, M; Cohen, T; ... Menzies, NA.
PLoS medicine
Estimating the health and macroeconomic burdens of tuberculosis in India, 2021-2040: A fully integrated modelling study.
PLoS medicine
Improving hospital-based opioid substitution therapy (iHOST): protocol for a mixed-methods evaluation.
Lewer, D; Brown, M; Burns, A; Eastwood, N; Gittins, R; Holland, A; Hope, V; Ko, A; Lewthwaite, P; Morris, A-M; Noctor, A; Preston, A; Scott, J; Smith, E; SWEENEY, S; TILOUCHE, N; Wickremsinhe, M; HARRIS, M;
NIHR open research
Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI) Household Contact study: a study protocol, statistical analysis and modelling plan
KHAN, PY; GOVENDER, I; MCCREESH, N; SWEENEY, S; Sithole, M; Ording-Jespersen, G; Buthelezi, X; HOUBEN, RM G J; Baisley, K; Smit, T; Wong, EB; Hanekom, W; WHITE, RG; Vassall, A; FIELDING, K; GRANT, AD;
Wellcome open research
Uncertainty in tuberculosis clinical decision-making: An umbrella review with systematic methods and thematic analysis.
Basile, FW; SWEENEY, S; SINGH, MP; Bijker, EM; Cohen, T; Menzies, NA; VASSALL, A; INDRAVUDH, P;
PLOS global public health
Economic implications of novel regimens for tuberculosis treatment in three high-burden countries: a modelling analysis.
Ryckman, TS; Schumacher, SG; Lienhardt, C; SWEENEY, S; Dowdy, DW; Mirzayev, F; Kendall, EA;
The Lancet. Global health
Impact and cost-effectiveness of the 6-month BPaLM regimen for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in Moldova: A mathematical modeling analysis.
James, LP; Klaassen, F; SWEENEY, S; Furin, J; Franke, MF; Yaesoubi, R; Chesov, D; Ciobanu, N; Codreanu, A; Crudu, V; Cohen, T; Menzies, NA;
PLoS medicine
Factors associated with tuberculosis treatment initiation among bacteriologically negative individuals evaluated for tuberculosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis.
Kim, S; Can, MH; Agizew, TB; Auld, AF; Balcells, ME; Bjerrum, S; Dheda, K; Dorman, SE; Esmail, A; Fielding, K; Garcia-Basteiro, AL; Hanrahan, CF; Kebede, W; Kohli, M; Luetkemeyer, AF; Mita, C; Reeve, BW P; Silva, DR; SWEENEY, S; Theron, G; Trajman, A; VASSALL, A; Warren, JL; Yotebieng, M; Cohen, T; ... Menzies, NA.
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