
Dr Julius Hafalla

Associate Professor

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Keppel Street
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 2079588129
Julius Hafalla obtained his BSc in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (cum laude) from the University of the Philippines – Diliman. He then worked as a Research Assistant at the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (Philippines) and as a Fogarty Fellow at the International Health Institute of Brown University (USA). Julius obtained his MSc and PhD in Basic Medical Sciences at New York University (USA), where he investigated the development of T cell responses to malaria liver stage infection. He also did post-doctoral work in parasitology, immunology and pre-clinical vaccine development at New York University.

In 2005, Julius joined the LSHTM as a Royal Society Incoming Fellow to study the regulation of pathogenic responses during blood stage malaria infections, and as a Wellcome Trust Visiting Fellow in Public Health and Tropical Medicine to examine cellular immune responses to malaria in Thailand and Tanzania. In 2008, Julius was awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship, which was renewed in 2013. He was appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Immunology in 2013, and an Associate Professor in 2015.

Since 2015, Julius has been facilitating the LSHTM’s external partnerships with institutions in the Philippines and other countries in South East Asia. He is currently a faculty of the Joint PhD Programme in Global Health between LSHTM and Nagasaki University, Japan, and the West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.


Department of Infection Biology
Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases


Malaria Centre
Vaccine Centre


Research Degrees Coordinator: Department of Infection Biology, Department of Disease Control, and MRC Unit The Gambia at the LSHTM
Module Organiser: Advanced Immunology I (3134) and II (3144)
Deputy Module Organiser: Immunology of Parasitic Infections (3177)
Lecturer: Immunology of Infectious Diseases (3120), Medical Parasitology (3122), Advanced Immunology I (3134) and II (3144), Immunology of Parasitic Infections (3177), Vaccine Immunology (3191), Malaria (3195)
Tutor and MSc Project Supervisor: MSc Immunology for Infectious Diseases, MSc Medical Parasitology
Programme Committee and Exam Board: MSc Immunology for Infectious Diseases, MSc Medical Parasitology


Julius Hafalla's research investigates factors that govern the magnitude, efficiency and long-term maintenance of protective immune responses to infection, focussing on malaria, dengue and tuberculosis. He has an interest in understanding protective and pathological mechanisms involved in these infections. He is involved in infectious disease research in The Philippines and in Ghana.
Research Area
Disease control
Global Health
T-cell immunology
Disease and Health Conditions
Tropical diseases
Infectious diseases
Emerging infectious diseases
Vector borne diseases
East Asia & Pacific (developing only)
Sub-Saharan Africa (developing only)

Selected Publications

Genetically attenuated parasites show promise as a next-generation malaria vaccine
Hafalla, JC R; Borrmann, S; Matuschewski, K;
Trends in Parasitology
IL-27 produced during acute malaria infection regulates Plasmodium-specific memory CD4<sup>+</sup> T cells.
MACALINAO, ML; Inoue, S-I; Tsogtsaikhan, S; Matsumoto, H; Bayarsaikhan, G; Jian, J-Y; Kimura, K; Yasumizu, Y; Inoue, T; Yoshida, H; HAFALLA, J; Kimura, D; Yui, K;
EMBO molecular medicine
Asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection evades triggering a host transcriptomic response.
Prah, DA; Dunican, C; Amoah, LE; Marjaneh, MM; Kaforou, M; Nordgren, A; JONES-WARNER, W; Aniweh, Y; Awandare, GA; Cunnington, AJ; HAFALLA, JC;
The Journal of infection
Analytical approaches for antimalarial antibody responses to confirm historical and recent malaria transmission: an example from the Philippines.
MACALINAO, ML M; Fornace, KM; Reyes, RA; Hall, T; Bareng, AP N; Adams, JH; Huon, C; Chitnis, CE; Luchavez, JS; TETTEH, KK A; Yui, K; HAFALLA, JC R; Espino, FE J; DRAKELEY, CJ;
The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific
Sensitive Detection of Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Malaria with Seven Novel Parasite-Specific LAMP Assays and Translation for Use at Point-of-Care.
Malpartida-Cardenas, K; Moser, N; Ansah, F; Pennisi, I; Ahu Prah, D; Amoah, LE; Awandare, G; HAFALLA, JC R; Cunnington, A; Baum, J; Rodriguez-Manzano, J; Georgiou, P;
Microbiology spectrum
Dengue virus type 4 isolate DET-P-0428-1 polyprotein (POLY) gene, complete cds; and sfRNA2 lncRNA gene, partial sequence
Ashall, J; SHAH, S; Biggs, JR; Chang, J-NR; Jafari, Y; Brady, OJ; Mai, HK; Lien, LT; Do Thai, H; Nguyen, HA T; Anh, DD; Iwasaki, C; Kitamura, N; Van Loock, M; Herrera-Taracena, G; Rasschaert, F; Van Wesenbeeck, L; Yoshida, L-M; HAFALLA, JC R; HUE, S; HIBBERD, ML;
National Center for Biotechnology Information
A phylogenetic study of dengue virus in urban Vietnam shows long-term persistence of endemic strains.
Ashall, J; SHAH, S; BIGGS, JR; Chang, J-NR; Jafari, Y; BRADY, OJ; Mai, HK; Lien, LT; Do Thai, H; Nguyen, HA T; Anh, DD; Iwasaki, C; Kitamura, N; Van Loock, M; Herrera-Taracena, G; Rasschaert, F; Van Wesenbeeck, L; Yoshida, L-M; HAFALLA, JC R; HUE, S; HIBBERD, ML;
Virus evolution
Dengue virus type I isolate DEN-P-1098-1 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds
Ashall, J; SHAH, S; Biggs, JR; Chang, J-NR; Jafari, Y; Brady, OJ; Mai, HK; Lien, LT; Do Thai, H; Nguyen, HA T; Anh, DD; Iwasaki, C; Kitamura, N; Van Loock, M; Herrera-Taracena, G; Rasschaert, F; Van Wesenbeeck, L; Yoshida, L-M; HAFALLA, JC R; HUE, S; HIBBERD, ML;
National Center for Biotechnology Information
Analytical approaches for antimalarial antibody responses to confirm historical and recent malaria transmission: an example from the Philippines
MACALINAO, ML M; Fornace, KM; Reyes, RA; Bareng, AP N; Hall, T; Adams, JH; Huon, C; Chitnis, CE; Luchavez, JS; Tetteh, KK A; Yui, K; HAFALLA, JC R; Espino, FE J; DRAKELEY, CJ;
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Demographic characteristics of the reporting study population at enrolment
Biggs, J; Sy, AK; Ashall, J; Santoso, MS; Brady, OJ; Reyes, MA J; Quinones, MA; Jones-Warner, W; Tandoc, AO; Sucaldito, NL; Huynh, KM; Le, TL; Hung, DT; Nguyen, HA T; Dang, DA; Iwasaki, C; KITAMURA, N; Van Loock, M; Herrera-Taracena, G; Menten, J; Rasschaert, F; Van Wesenbeeck, L; Masyeni, S; Haryanto, S; Yohan, B; ... HIBBERD, ML.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
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