
Ms Georgia Chisnall

Research Student - MPhil/PhD - Public Health & Policy

United Kingdom

I am a full-time PhD candidate based in the Faculty of Public Health and Policy at LSHTM. My doctoral research explores socioeconomically disadvantaged parent’s experiences of accessing childhood vaccination services in England using a qualitative longitudinal cohort study design. This PhD is funded by a PhD Studentship in Vaccines & Immunisation award supplied by the NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Immunisation (a research partnership between LSHTM, Cambridge University, and the UK Health Security Agency).

Before joining LSHTM, I was a Research Consultant at RREAL, a lab based within the Department of Targeted Intervention at University College London (UCL). As part of this role, I co-ordinated and implemented numerous qualitative research projects in the field of healthcare improvement for organisations such as the NHS, WHO, and Collective Service. I also worked with colleagues on methodological innovations in rapid qualitative research through co-authoring several papers, training materials, and a book chapter.

I have completed a MSc in Health Psychology and a BSc in Psychology; these were conducted at UCL and Royal Holloway respectively.


Department of Global Health and Development
Faculty of Public Health and Policy


I currently teach on the module titled ‘Health Policy, Process & Power’ at LSHTM as a seminar leader. I am responsible for leading weekly discussion groups of around 20 students in line with the module curriculum to facilitate learning and critical application of the course content.

I have also assisted with the production of teaching materials on qualitative research methods in applied health settings. This includes a book chapter on ‘Rapid Qualitative Research’, a learning content outline for a module on ‘Qualitative Evidence Synthesis’, and PowerPoint slides to guide the delivery of training on ‘Scoping Studies in Rapid Qualitative Research’.


My research typically considers health services, health (in)equality, and methodological innovation of qualitative approaches.

During the COVID-19 pandemic I contributed to research on the impact on women’s experiences of giving birth considering maternity service restrictions, global changes to chemotherapy services, training/re-deployment/de-escalation of healthcare workers to/from ICUs, and lessons for rapid qualitative research.

Beyond COVID-19, as a freelance Reserach Consultant, I have worked on projects such as a formative process evaluation of a team, translating implementation research into policy, championing (rapid) qualitative methods, and the use of community influencers to increase vaccination coverage in low- and middle-income countries. I have worked on research projects for the NHS, WHO, and Collective Service.

These projects have enlisted a range of qualitative methods (both rapid and non-rapid in nature): literature reviews, systematic reviews, policy analyses, process evaluations, semi-structured interviews, surveys, and case studies.

Selected Publications

A Systematic Review of Tools and Recommendations Advising on the Use of Qualitative Data to Inform Epidemic Response Efforts in Low- and Middle-Income Settings
CHISNALL, G; Kumpunen, S; Manby, L; Van Susante, H; Stevens, E; Rankl, F; Robinson, H; Hoernke, K; Johnson, G; Vindrola-Padros, C;
Sage Open
A new neonatal BCG vaccination pathway in England: a mixed methods evaluation of its implementation.
Jones, K; CHISNALL, G; Crocker-Buque, T; Elliman, D; Horwood, J; MOUNIER-JACK, S; Campbell, CN; Saliba, V; CHANTLER, T;
BMC Public Health
Accessing health information during the COVID-19 pandemic: the experience of NHS maternity service users
Ambihaipahan, R; CHISNALL, G; Vindrola-Padros, C; Irvine, L;
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Rapid qualitative research
CHISNALL, G; Kumpunen, S; Vindrola-Padros, C;
International Encyclopedia of Education(Fourth Edition)
Training and redeployment of healthcare workers to intensive care units (ICUs) during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review.
Vera San Juan, N; Clark, SE; Camilleri, M; Jeans, JP; Monkhouse, A; CHISNALL, G; Vindrola-Padros, C;
BMJ open
Global changes to the chemotherapy service during the covid-19 pandemic.
Chow, M-C; Chambers, P; Singleton, G; Patel, J; Cooper, S; Mythen, C; Bautista-González, E; CHISNALL, G; Djellouli, N; Thwaites, B; Wong, IC; Vindrola-Padros, C;
Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice
Carrying Out Rapid Qualitative Research During a Pandemic: Emerging Lessons From COVID-19
Vindrola-Padros, C; CHISNALL, G; Cooper, S; Dowrick, A; Djellouli, N; Symmons, SM; Martin, S; Singleton, G; Vanderslott, S; Vera, N; Johnson, GA;
Qualitative Health Research
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