Alumni profile: Simon Shuel
3 July 2023 London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Current job title and organisation
Nurse manager - Laikipia county, Kenya.
Can you please tell us a bit about your current work/research?
- Providing technical support on nursing
- Mentoring and teaching nursing staff and nursing students
- Compiling monthly and quarterly reports
- Developing and implementing work plans
- Enforcing standard operating procedures (SOPs) in Nursing
- Deployment of nursing staff according to skills
- Planning and conducting training
What course and year did you study at LSHTM?
Professional Diploma In Tropical Nursing in 2022.
Why did you choose to study with LSHTM?
The reason why I chose to study at LSHTM was the fantastic reputation and diverse spectrum of modules to choose from. I have developed a strong interest in infectious and tropical diseases through my nursing career, so decided to apply for the PDTN. The knowledge and skills I have acquired will enable me to positively contribute to improving healthcare in Kenya, especially among the pastoral communities in Northern Kenya.
Did you have to overcome any challenges to study with us?
Yes, I had to take classes virtually which required internet connectivity and a reliable source of power.
What were your favourite memories from your studies with us?
The virtual platform was a very good experience. Being able to attend the classes online was very interesting and the interaction with the lecturers and fellow students was amazing. I felt at home and it was like a physical /one on one interaction.
My stand-out inspiration was from the course lead, Claire Bertschinger. Her experience was on another level, and this will always motivate me. Also, Wednesday afternoon sessions in the laboratory learning were the best and very interesting, learning something new every day.
How has your LSHTM degree helped you in your career?
I now have a much bigger understanding of tropical diseases and their courses, diagnosis and treatment. Going forward, I will be involved in the mentorship and training of healthcare workers on tropical diseases. My knowledge of tropical diseases has vastly increased. Additionally, my lab skills have benefited from the virtual labs during the PDTN which has improved my parasite diagnosis skills.
What would you like to achieve in future?
I have an interest in public health and want to pursue Masters in Public health. After the MSc in Public Health at LSHTM, I want to focus on addressing health inequalities affecting marginalised and pastoral communities in Kenya. Due to nurses’ low participation in leadership roles in the health policymaking process aimed at strengthening health systems, I would love to contribute to giving a voice to the nursing profession in this area.
Do you have any advice for students/recent graduates?
Yes of course. My advice would be to take advantage of the opportunities available at LSHTM and take time to establish working relationships with colleagues, lecturers and other partners in this world of global health.