Modern Slavery & Mental Health
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of human rights thought to affect more than 40 million people worldwide. People subjected to modern slavery experience a range of risks to health prior to, during, and after exploitation. Siân will present findings about the psychological impact of modern slavery, about survivor perspectives on recovery, and promising interventions to support recovery.
Dr Siân Oram is a Senior Lecturer in Women's Mental Health at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King's College London and a leading expert on the health impact of modern slavery. She previously managed PROTECT, an NIHR research programme to inform the NHS response to human trafficking and is currently working on PROTECT-II, also funded by NIHR, which will investigate the effectiveness of advocacy interventions in improving outcomes for survivors of modern slavery in the UK
Hashtags: #16Days #GBV+HIV
Twitter handles: @lshtm_gvhc @giulipsy
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