
Marrying models with data for vector-borne diseases - Turbo talks

The Turbo Talks line -up include:

Variation in actual exposure to malaria vectors

Bronner Goncalves


Probabilistic forecasts of vector-borne disease risk

Rachel Lowe


Why fake the anti-malarials?

Harparkash Kaur


Denvaxia model comparison

Stefan Flasche


Chagas disease modelling reveals periodic parasitaemia and the remarkable success of the earliest vector control program

Michael Gaunt


Modelling epidemiological and serological dynamics of flavivirus outbreaks in the Pacific

Adam Kucharski


Some thoughts on resistance and malaria infection

Mojca Kristan


We look forward to seeing you there!


Free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on a first come, first served basis.

