
Sarah Woodyear

Sarah Woodyear

Alumni | Full-time | United Kingdom

MSc Medical Microbiology

Contact Sarah Woodyear
Sarah Woodyear

Educational/professional background

I graduated from the University of Bristol with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. During my undergraduate degree I gained an in depth theoretical and practical understanding of infectious disease transmission cycles, host defence systems and host-parasite evolutionary relationships. 

Research interests or career goals

The impact of microorganisms, particularly viruses, encouraged me to work towards a career in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. I am gradually narrowing down my interests as the course progresses, and I am currently hoping to do a summer research project on rotavirus vaccine development. 

Why I chose LSHTM/my programme

The global reputation and high standard of teaching led me to pursue my masters at LSHTM. Known for its involvement in research across the world, along with having a diverse student cohort, provides the opportunity to network and learn from people with different backgrounds and perspectives. 

The MSc Medical Microbiology programme offers modules that cover virology, bacteriology, parasitology and mycology. This was important as I was looking to study a wide range of medically relevant microorganisms. Additional modules provide the computational and quantitative skills to efficiently analyse and present data. The course also has an emphasis on gaining practical experience in the laboratory which is essential for future work within research and diagnostics. 

Contact Sarah Woodyear

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