
Dr Zia Sadique

Associate Professor

United Kingdom

I am an applied health economist with strong expertise in quantitative methods.


Department of Health Services Research and Policy
Faculty of Public Health and Policy


Centre for Data and Statistical Science for Health
Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases
Global Health Economics Centre


I am co-organiser of the Economic Evaluation module and lecture on Economic Evaluation module. I am also seminar leader on Introduction to Health Economics module.


My research interest and portfolio covers: economic evaluation in humanitarian crisis, economics of cancer and HIV, economic evaluation of large adult and paediatric trials, which draws from substantial methods expertise in methods for addressing selection bias and missing data, the application of machine learning approaches for estimating subgroup heteroegenity, and use of choice experiments to quantify preferences for health and health care.

Research Area
Health technology assessment
Economic evaluation
Statistical methods

Selected Publications

Evaluating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a conservative approach to oxygen therapy for invasively ventilated adults in intensive care: Protocol for the UK-ROX trial
Martin, DS; Shahid, T; Gould, DW; Richards-Belle, A; Doidge, JC; Camsooksai, J; Charles, WN; Davey, M; Francis Johnson, A; Garrett, RM; Grocott, MP W; Jones, J; Lampro, L; Miller, L; O’Driscoll, BR; Rostron, AJ; SADIQUE, Z; Szakmany, T; Young, PJ; Rowan, KM; Harrison, DA; Mouncey, PR;
Journal of the Intensive Care Society
Utility Scores for Risk-Reducing Mastectomy and Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy: Mapping to EQ-5D.
Oxley, SG; Wei, X; Sideris, M; Blyuss, O; Kalra, A; Sia, JJ Y; Ganesan, S; Fierheller, CT; SUN, L; SADIQUE, Z; Jin, H; Manchanda, R; LEGOOD, R;
The Learning Together intervention: study data from three surveys in the INCLUSIVE cluster randomised controlled trial
BONELL, C; ALLEN, E; WARREN, E; McGowan, J; Bevilacqua, L; Jamal, F; Legood, R; Wiggins, M; OPONDO, C; Mathiot, A; STURGESS, J; Fletcher, A; SADIQUE, Z; ELBOURNE, D; Christie, D; Bond, L; Scott, S; Viner, R;
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Conservative versus liberal oxygenation targets in critically ill children (Oxy-PICU): a UK multicentre, open, parallel-group, randomised clinical trial.
Peters, MJ; Gould, DW; Ray, S; Thomas, K; Chang, I; Orzol, M; O'Neill, L; Agbeko, R; Au, C; Draper, E; Elliot-Major, L; GIALLONGO, E; Jones, GA L; Lampro, L; Lillie, J; Pappachan, J; Peters, S; Ramnarayan, P; SADIQUE, Z; Rowan, KM; Harrison, DA; Mouncey, PR; Oxy-PICU Investigators of the Paediatric Critical ,;
Lancet (London, England)
Estimating the hospital costs of care for people living with HIV in England using routinely collected data.
Miners, A; Lampe, FC; Cambiano, V; Schwenk, A; Rodger, A; SADIQUE, Z; Rein, S; Delpech, V; Phillips, AN;
HIV medicine
Effect of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor and Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Initiation on Organ Support-Free Days in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Writing Committee for the REMAP-CAP Investigators,; Lawler, PR; Derde, LP G; Van de Veerdonk, FL; McVerry, BJ; Huang, DT; Berry, LR; Lorenzi, E; Van Kimmenade, R; Gommans, F; Vaduganathan, M; Leaf, DE; Baron, RM; Kim, EY; Frankfurter, C; Epelman, S; Kwan, Y; GRIEVE, R; O'NEILL, S; SADIQUE, Z; Puskarich, M; Marshall, JC; Higgins, AM; Mouncey, PR; Rowan, KM; ... Webb, SA.
A Comparison of Ordered Categorical versus Discrete Choices within a Stated Preference Survey of Whole-Blood Donors.
SADIQUE, Z; CAIRNS, J; DE CORTE, K; Willis, S; Miners, A; Bansback, N; GRIEVE, R;
Medical Decision Making
Regional citrate anticoagulation versus systemic heparin anticoagulation for continuous kidney replacement therapy in intensive care.
Doidge, JC; Gould, DW; SADIQUE, Z; Borthwick, M; Hatch, RA; Caskey, FJ; Forni, L; Lawrence, RF; MacEwan, C; Ostermann, M; Mouncey, PR; Harrison, DA; Rowan, KM; Young, JD; Watkinson, PJ;
Journal of critical care
Cost-effectiveness of alternative minimum recall intervals between whole blood donations.
SADIQUE, Z; Willis, S; Corte, KD; Pennington, M; Moore, C; Kaptoge, S; Angelantonio, ED; Miflin, G; Roberts, DJ; GRIEVE, R;
PloS One
Effect of High-Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy vs Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy on Liberation From Respiratory Support in Acutely Ill Children Admitted to Pediatric Critical Care Units: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Ramnarayan, P; Richards-Belle, A; Drikite, L; Saull, M; Orzechowska, I; Darnell, R; SADIQUE, Z; Lester, J; Morris, KP; Tume, LN; Davis, PJ; Peters, MJ; Feltbower, RG; GRIEVE, R; Thomas, K; Mouncey, PR; Harrison, DA; Rowan, KM; FIRST-ABC Step-Up RCT Investigators and the Paedia,;
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