
Evidence Standards and justifiable evidence claims

In developing findings and conclusions from their studies, researchers are making ‘evidence claims’. We therefore need to consider what criteria are used to make and justify such claims. This presentation will consider the use of evidence standards to make evidence claims in relation to primary research, reviews of research (making statements about the nature of an evidence base), and guidance and recommendations informed by research. The aim is to go beyond testing the trustworthiness (quality appraisal ) of individual studies to discuss the ways in which evidence standards are used to make evidence claims to inform decisions in policy, practice, and personal decision making.


David Gough is Professor of Evidence Informed Policy and Practice and the Director of the EPPI-Centre in the Social Science Research Unit (SSRU) at UCL. His early research was on child welfare at the University of Glasgow and then at Japan Women’s University. Since moving to SSRU in 1998, his work has focused on methods of research mapping and synthesis and the study of research use across many different areas of social policy. He is an author of Introduction to Systematic Reviews (2nd Edition), Sage Publications, and Co-Managing Editor of the journal Evidence and Policy.


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