I am a policy analyst and organisational economist, whose research is focused on the governance of health services. My interest spans the structures of health systems and the relationships between organisations responsible for the provision and commissioning of health care. I have an MSc in Social Policy (Southampton) and a PhD from LSHTM. My doctoral research (funded by an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship) was concerned with the way health care organisations in the English NHS negotiate incentives for competition and collaboration to deliver co-ordinated care to diabetic patients.
Prior to embarking on my academic career, I had a career as an NHS Manager and have held a variety of management positions in both strategic and hospital settings.
Prior to embarking on my academic career, I had a career as an NHS Manager and have held a variety of management positions in both strategic and hospital settings.
Department of Health Services Research and Policy
Faculty of Public Health and Policy
Global Health Economics Centre
I am the module organiser of the 'Organisational Management' module of the MSc in Public Health. I have also been a seminar lead on Health Systems and the Health Policy, Process and Power modules.
I am a member of the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Systems and Commissioning (PRUComm), a unit which provides evidence to the Department of Health to inform the development of policy on the health and social care system and commissioning. I am the co-lead of an NIHR study 'Post Implementation Review of the Health and Care Act 2022', involving academics at LSHTM, University of Manchester and University of Kent, which examines the development of collaboration in ICSs and associated impacts under the Act.
My work as part of PRUComm has most recently focused on the development of new forms of organisational collaboration in local health areas in the NHS through Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). Previous research examined the implementation of new models of contracting in the NHS, such as Alliance contracting, which are thought to develop closer collaboration between organisations.
My work as part of PRUComm has most recently focused on the development of new forms of organisational collaboration in local health areas in the NHS through Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). Previous research examined the implementation of new models of contracting in the NHS, such as Alliance contracting, which are thought to develop closer collaboration between organisations.
Research Area
Policy analysis
Organisational research
Qualitative research
Health care financing
Health services
Economics (social science)
United Kingdom
OECD members
Selected Publications
Agreeing the allocation of scarce resources in the English NHS: Ostrom, common pool resources and the role of the state.
Social Science and Medicine
The regulation of competition and procurement in the National Health Service 2015-2018: enduring hierarchical control and the limits of juridification.
Health Economics, Policy and Law
New Models of Contracting in the Public Sector: A Review of Alliance Contracting, Prime Contracting and Outcome‐based Contracting Literature
Social Policy & Administration
The regulation of competition in the National Health Service (NHS): what difference has the Health and Social Care Act 2012 made?
Health economics, policy, and law
The impact of incentives for competition and co-operation on the behaviour of health care organisations: a case study of the planning and provision of diabetes services in the English NHS.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Divergence of NHS choice policy in the UK: what difference has patient choice policy in England made?
Journal of health services research & policy
Patient choice: a contemporary policy story
Shaping Health PolicyCase Study Methods and Analysis