
Ms Judith Lieber

Research Assistant for Clinical Trials

United Kingdom

I am currently working with the Andhra Pradesh Children and Parents Study (APCAPS) cohort, primarily on a MRC-funded study to explore the causes, consequences, and experience of multimorbidity in peri-urban India.

I completed my ESRC-funded Demography PhD in the Department of Population Health of LSHTM in 2020. I used mixed-methods and primary and secondary data to assess the potential impact of family structure change for social support to, and health of, older Indians. Prior to my PhD I completed the Demography and Health MSc at LSHTM, and the BSc in Biomedical Science at King's College London.


Department of Medical Statistics
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health


I teach on the Research Design and Analaysis, Basic Epidemiology, Analysing Survey and Population Data, and Demographic Methods modules. I am co-organiser of the "Thinking Like a Health Data Scientist" module of the Health Data Science MSc. I am currently supervising two research degree students and on the advisory committee to one research degree student.


I am a mixed-methods researcher with interest in undertaking theory-guided behaviour change intervention and evaluation research to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for people with long-term health conditions, and their support providers.

I am a member of the Evolutionary Demography Group, the multi-institutional Age, Care, and the Caring Crisis Working Group and LSHTM's India Interest Group.

Selected Publications

Analytical approaches to evaluate risk factors of multimorbidity: a systematic scoping review protocol.
SONG, W; Birk, N; Matsuzaki, M; LIEBER, J; Yamanashi, H; Rogers, E; Aramrat, C; Wiwatkunupakarn, N; Angkurawaranon, C; LEWIN, A; Kinra, S; MALLINSON, PA C;
BMJ open
Evaluating novel methods of enhancing the impact of financial incentives on household nutrition in developing nations - authors' reply.
MALLINSON, PA C; LIEBER, J; KINRA, S; Debbarma, A; WALLS, HL; Bhogadi, S; Addanki, S; Pande, R; Kurpad, AV; Kannuri, NK; Aggarwal, S; Kulkarni, B; Finkelstein, EA; Deo, S;
The Lancet regional health. Southeast Asia
Burden, determinants, consequences and care of multimorbidity in rural and urbanising Telangana, India: protocol for a mixed-methods study within the APCAPS cohort.
LIEBER, J; Banjara, SK; MALLINSON, PA C; Mahajan, H; Bhogadi, S; Addanki, S; Birk, N; SONG, W; SHAH, AS; Kurmi, O; Iyer, G; Kamalakannan, S; Kishore Galla, R; Sadanand, S; Dasi, T; Kulkarni, B; KINRA, S;
BMJ open
Multimorbidity and its behavioural risk
factors in Japanese community-dwelling
older people: A cross-sectional analysis in
the Nagasaki Islands Study (NaIS)
IUNS 22nd International Congress of Nutrition
Process evaluation of a financial incentive scheme to increase fruit and vegetable purchasing from unorganised retailers in rural Telangana, India
LIEBER, J; Kinra, S; Addanki, S; Prabhakar, S; Bhogadi, S; Mallinson, PA C; Kurpad, AV; Walls, H; Kulkarni, B; Aggarwal, S; Pande, R; Selvaraj, K; Debbarma, A; Deo, S; Kannuri, NK;
Center for Open Science
Impact of a financial incentive scheme on purchase of fruits and vegetables from unorganised retailers in rural India: a cluster-randomised controlled trial.
KINRA, S; MALLINSON, PA C; Debbarma, A; WALLS, HL; LIEBER, J; Bhogadi, S; Addanki, S; Pande, R; Kurpad, AV; Kannuri, NK; Aggarwal, S; Kulkarni, B; Finkelstein, EA; Deo, S;
The Lancet Regional Health - Southeast Asia
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