
Prof Karen Devries

Professor of Social Epidemiology

United Kingdom


Department of Population Health
Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health


Centre for Evaluation

Selected Publications

Are school-based violence prevention interventions inclusive and effective for children with disabilities? A systematic review of global evidence.
ELDRED, E; DEVRIES, K; Zinke-Allmang, A; Mallick, R; Mughis, W; BANKS, LM; Bhatia, A;
Are school-based violence prevention interventions inclusive and effective for children with disabilities? A systematic review of global evidence
Eldred, E; DEVRIES, KM; Zinke-Allmang, A; Mallick, R; Mughis, W; BANKS, LM; Bhatia, A;
Exploring the Relationship Between Experiences of Violence and Subjective Wellbeing: A Cross-Sectional Survey Among School Teachers in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp in Tanzania.
CHESANG, C; Leurent, B; Fabbri, C; Wilfred, A; Mubyazi, G; Shayo, E; Barongo, V; DEVRIES, K; GRECO, G;
Journal of interpersonal violence
Putting children's safety at the heart of violence research.
Bhatia, A; Zinke-Allmang, A; Bangirana, CA; Nakuti, J; AMOLLO, M; Mirembe, AF; Nangati, P; Guedes, A; Carter, K; Peterman, A; DEVRIES, K;
Nature medicine
Embedding violence prevention in existing religious and education systems: initial learning from formative research in the Safe Schools Study in Zimbabwe
ELDRED, E; Turner, E; Fabbri, C; Bhatia, A; Lokot, M; Nhenga, T; Nherera, C; Nangati, P; Moyo, R; Mgugu, D; Nyakuwa, R; Rank, S; Nyadombo, SA T; Devries, K;
Research Square Platform LLC
Factors Associated with Usage of Oral-PrEP among Female Sex Workers in Nairobi, Kenya, Assessed by Self-Report and a Point-of-Care Urine Tenofovir Immunoassay.
Shah, P; Spinelli, M; Irungu, E; Kabuti, R; Ngurukiri, P; Babu, H; Kungu, M; Champions, TM F S; Nyabuto, C; Mahero, A; DEVRIES, K; KYEGOMBE, N; MEDLEY, GF; GAFOS, M; SEELEY, J; WEISS, HA; Kaul, R; Gandhi, M; BEATTIE, TS; Kimani, J;
AIDS and behavior
Violence outcomes in later adolescence with the Good School Toolkit-Primary: a nonrandomized controlled trial in Uganda.
Knight, L; Atuhaire, L; Bhatia, A; ALLEN, E; Namy, S; Anton-Erxleben, K; Nakuti, J; Mirembe, A; Nakiboneka, M; SEELEY, J; WEISS, HA; Parkes, J; BONELL, C; Naker, D; DEVRIES, K;
BMC Public Health
Parental resilience in Trinidad & Tobago during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
Mottley, J; DEVRIES, K; Hart, K; RATHOD, SD; BULLER, AM;
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health
Sexual violence through corporal punishment: Rethinking siloes in school violence prevention using feminist theory and data from Uganda
Turner, E; Parkes, J; Nagasha, SN; Naker, D; Nakuti, J; Namy, S; DEVRIES, K;
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health
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